Had another long test dive today to get a realistic idea of the electric range of the e-tron. On typical day to day journeys, non motorway, I should get around 24 miles out of a full charge. That value covers heating and cooling which are both driven by the high voltage battery.
When I got home, I received a call to say that my e-tron (supposedly BW 7) was already at the dealership holding yard, so I'll go down and discuss preparation or more precisely non-preparation and delivery with them tomorrow. I'll aim for a week 1 or 2 delivery.
I'm still somewhat gob-smacked over the lack of communication between factory and dealership. I noticed that they had just taken delivery of another demonstrator and this one was in Scuba Blue. For a brief moment I thought it might have been mine, but there was no leather upholstery and it had a sunroof. (photos below will be almost identical to my Scuba Blue e-tron but without the sunroof and "e-tron" decals on the sides !
I guess they still have a few teething problems with their systems even though the e-tron is supposed to be built on the standard A3 Sprotback assembly line. Naughty Audi!
When I got home, I received a call to say that my e-tron (supposedly BW 7) was already at the dealership holding yard, so I'll go down and discuss preparation or more precisely non-preparation and delivery with them tomorrow. I'll aim for a week 1 or 2 delivery.
I'm still somewhat gob-smacked over the lack of communication between factory and dealership. I noticed that they had just taken delivery of another demonstrator and this one was in Scuba Blue. For a brief moment I thought it might have been mine, but there was no leather upholstery and it had a sunroof. (photos below will be almost identical to my Scuba Blue e-tron but without the sunroof and "e-tron" decals on the sides !
I guess they still have a few teething problems with their systems even though the e-tron is supposed to be built on the standard A3 Sprotback assembly line. Naughty Audi!