Wow - what a saga (still ongoing)!
I spent a few weeks, working on and off with the Etron connect folks. They finally asked me to take the care to the dealer.
Dealer kept the car for a few days, when all of the sudden, an Etron person from Verizon calls me and wants to ping the car, update software etc. After coercing her to get on the phone with the dealership repair shop (she told me that they will only talk to owners), nothing changed and the dealer told me to pick up my car and work with Verizon and the Etron folks.
Important part here: I left a 2-star review for the dealership for 1) not fixing the issues and not giving me any idea what to do, really and 2) not washing my car, claiming the California drought as the reason. I of course pointed out that the car would be washed, whether they did it or I did... so lame excuse!
After about a week, I heard nothing and called back. Was helped by a nice young man. Nothing happened again, other than them calling me to get some more error message details...
And wouldn't you know it, the service manager called, VERY apologetic, asking me to bring the car in again... Dropped it off yesterday (service manager even came down to say "hi" and introduce himself).
In the mean time, I've convinced two friends who were looking for cars to get and Etron...
------ to be continued!----